Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Butterfly quilt, a new way to applique

Miss Abagail loves purple and butterflies.  The quilt was quilted first without the butterflies appliqued on to it.  That kept the feathers pattern going under the feathers instead of along side of them.  It also made it easier to quilt.   After the intertwining feathers were quilted, the butterflies were fused onto the top.  The bottom one hangs over the edge of the binding and is backed with regular fabric.  The bottom half is not stitched down.  The other butterflies go from big to small as they go to the top of the quilt.  The top butterflies are cut out of a fabric print.  Quilting was also used to decorate the butterfly wings.

The small purple border was taken from the backing fabric.  After the quilt was squared up, the backing fabric cut off was used for the binding.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine for kids

Years ago I made a Valentine in this method but many many more pocket sewn in for different kinds of candy, silk flowers, fabric and paper hearts, etc.   But now I am older and not so ambitious.

I started with a zip lock bag sewing around two adjacent sides, slipped in the candy bar and sewed around it, slipped in the money and the hearts and sewed around it and trimmed.

These are for my great niece and nephew that live close to me..